
兒童健康-Munchkin, 噓...,便攜式寶寶助眠機,0個月以上,1件

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如果你還在考慮Munchkin, 噓...,便攜式寶寶助眠機,0個月以上,1件這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~


  • Stops Baby’s Crying
  • 3 Calming Sounds
  • Auto Shut-off Timer for 10, 20, and 30 Minute Increments
  • Includes 2 AA Batteries
3 Calming Sounds


  • Shush
  • White Noise
  • Heartbeat
Quiets crying and engages calming reflex

– Rhythmic "shushing" sound

Natural peaceful sleep – Steady white noise or "womb-like" heartbeat sound

Lulls to sleep床的世界 Glowing nightlight with auto shut-off timer

Shockingly, babies don't need silence to sleep床的世界! A mother's womb is actually a loud place, and is comforting to babies. When dealing with a cranky or colicky baby, loud, constant noise can quickly help calm them down, especially when the noise is louder than their own crying. The Shhh... was made to give parents a break and designed with science in mind. It features three specific sounds to first calm down an upset baby (shushing noise), lull them into a calm state (heartbeat noise), and eventually keep them asleep (white noise). This portable, battery powered gadget, is a life-saver when baby is away from home, but needs to get some rest. It also features a timer, and nightlight which can even pulse in sync with the noise. Hopefully this soother saves a few parents from running laundry or riding in the car in the middle of the night just to keep their sanity!

  • Features (3) different sounds - shushing, heartbeat and white noise
  • Timer will automatically turn off the unit
  • Soft night light can glow solid or pulse
  • 髮旺旺床的世界
  • Battery operated, portable and perfect for on-the-go use
  • Requires and includes (2) AA batteries
  • 4.25" Tall x 3" Wide

Munchkin, 噓...,便攜式寶寶助眠機,0個月以上,1件






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